If you are interested in joining or want to know more you can either call Lesley Bishop on 07766 705655 or email info@littlerascalsilford.co.uk
Our session timings are
Morning session 9am - 12 noon
Afternoon session 12.15pm - 3.15pm
For children who attend all day 9am – 3.15pm
We welcome children eligible for 30 hours.
We are open term time only, see below for dates.
All our staff who have key person responsibility have CACHE/NVQ Level 3 in Children’s Learning, Care & Development or equivalent. Our ability to “bond” with your child was recognised by OfSTED as one of our key strengths. At Little Rascals we see this as being really important for building your child’s confidence and interest in learning.
We operate with a high staff ratio (typically 1:4 or 1:5) to ensure your child receives the attention they need.
At Little Rascals we have two separate halls that offer plenty of space for your child to explore. We have a lovely private outdoor play area that is fully covered by a soft play surface to keep them safe.
In the garden we have outdoor play equipment and materials to support your child’s physical development. We even have a large canopy so that can enjoy this space whatever the weather!

We accept children when they turn 2 years old. Fees must be paid in advance before the start of each half term period. This ensures we have the correct staffing levels in place to care for the children.
Fees are still payable if your child is ill or away for any other reason.
The charge is £21 per 3 hour session, plus a one-off Registration Fee of £30.
Free Funded Places
Your child is eligible for 15 hours of free childcare the
term after they are 3 years old.
All you need to do is sign a funding form for Little Rascals
to be your childcare provider and we do the rest for you.
There is no registration fee for funded children.
We welcome 2 year funded children if you are eligible,
which is 15 hours of free childcare per week.
We offer a flexible approach to this allocation of 15 hours,
dependent on availability of sessions. In other words
your child can attend all day some days and half days other days.
Please note that the government sets the deadlines
and requirements for this funding so we have
no flexibility or control over these matters.

Safety & Security

Your children’s safety and security are of paramount importance
- We can only release a child to their parent or carer, or to an adult who has signed our paperwork.
- We have a daily risk assessment of all our equipment and facilities.
- All children participate in regular fire escape drills to know what to do in an emergency.
- Our insurance is up to date and available for inspection.
- We are supported by Croner.
Please see our Policies and Procedures when you visit.
Please see our Terms and Conditions as part of our Registration Pack.